Intamarque Observations Vol.2 - Intamarque - Wholesale

Intamarque Observations Vol.2

What is digital fatigue & should I be worried about it?

As e-commerce continues to grow and evolve rapidly, FMCG retailers must keep a close eye on your online strategy, including the possibility of digital fatigue.

So, what exactly is digital fatigue? Simply put, it's a phenomenon where individuals become overwhelmed by content and communication on digital channels to the point of disengagement or exclusion. Users may experience digital fatigue due to a high volume of online marketing, transactions, and promotional offers, leading to reduced engagement and saturated communication channels.

Here are a few signs that your customers could be experiencing digital fatigue:

1. Disengagement: Increasing numbers of users may opt-out of communication, delete the application or unsubscribe from emails, leading to a decrease in customer engagement.

2. Limited attention span: Since there are so many distractions, users may have difficulty paying attention to a single piece of content or communication for an extended period, reducing the perception of value.

3. Trust: Trust is significantly impacted by digital fatigue since customers become sceptical of brands due to oversaturation of communication and advertisements.

"So, what exactly is digital fatigue? Simply put, it's a phenomenon where individuals become overwhelmed by content and communication on digital channels to the point of disengagement or exclusion."

Fortunately, there are a few ways to combat digital fatigue, including:

1. A personalised omnichannel approach - Understanding user behaviour and preferences is critical to delivering personalised experiences. It is essential to study their channel preferences such as email or social media, which reduces unnecessary impulse promotions in their account.

2. Simplify messaging - Simplified and coherent messaging is crucial; this needs to take place across all channels to reduce unnecessary confusion and reduce levels of frustration.

3. Emotional Connections - Creating emotional connections with customers on each of the touchpoints can enhance the user experience and generate a sense of community or trust over transactions, deals and promotions.

Digital fatigue is a challenge that cannot be taken lightly by FMCG online retailers; you need to address it with a holistic approach to enhance communication quality and personalisation along the customer journey. By doing so, you assure that their online consumers remain active, energised, and, most importantly, engaged with your brand.

In conclusion, retaining your customers through personalised and assertive omnichannel experience is beneficial in challenging the digital fatigue phenomenon. With the right approach and attention to detail, your customers will remain loyal and engaged for generations to come.

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